Educational Leadership courses to help your students grow physically, psychologically and creatively.


Centering the Mind & Body

Our 1-session professional development session brings education professionals together through movement and dance. Our workshop has many benefits: educators can take time in self-care, movement, art and reflection. They will leave with short movement activities they use during brain breaks and transitions with their students to improve Social and Emotional Learning and 21st century thinking skills through movement activities.

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Practical Application for Movement and SEL in the classroom

For Educational Professionals who want to start implementing SEL and movement into their classrooms. This workshop is a fully immersive experience. Education Professionals gain practical skills to help lead their class through movement games and projects. We will also spend time anticipating and finding solutions for potential difficulties in carrying out these activities in the classroom environment.

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School Transformation

For educators and administrators that want movement, the arts, and SEL to be a consistent, daily part of students learning. We fully train teachers and support schools as they implement changes necessary to reach their goals. We make multiple visits to your school, give teachers access to the full Moving Minds curriculum and to weekly online mindfulness classes with Moving Mind’s team of professional dancers. We help teachers find ways to teach the movement activities that fit into their schedule, classroom needs and personal comfort level.

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