Moving Minds cultivates communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and confidence through movement and dance.

Moving Minds workshop with participants from MarieBette Café & Bakery in Charlottesville, VA. Video by Sam Kempf of Hoopla Media.
By sharing a problem with someone, I felt that there was a positive idea, a new discovery, and a focused point of view. Also, I thought it would be brave enough to realize that people who experienced similar problems and were facing common problems at the same time. – Haru, Lifenet insurance Tokyo Japan 2018
You do a lot to break you out of your comfort zone. But once you break us down, then it felt really great to be free. - Travis, Baker, MarieBette Bakery Charlottesville, VA USA 2020
The day after experiencing Moving Minds, I had a difficult presentation to give to the physics department of a university. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of confidence I had during my presentation. I think that Moving Minds helped me to look inward and be comfortable with presence among this group of intimidating people. - Kate, Executive Director, Chicago Quantum Exchange Chicago, IL 2019
The dancing put everyone on an equal playing field, which I think is super important for any kind of team building. My partners and I were having to communicate abstract ideas, but at the same time we were experts regarding our individual moves, and in order to learn each move we had to take the directions from our partners at face value. There was no disagreement or nit picking the way anyone choreographed their move. You just listened and learned it. It made me think about how all successful collaborations must involve a clear designation of roles and trust. – Amy, Marc Jacobs Chicago IL 2019
I have attended seminars and workshops that are lecture and discussion based, but it was refreshing to attend one where you use your body. I felt that I was able to take away more by using not only my head to comprehend, but to use my body to experience and feel the points being made, and feel that it can be used in a wide range of situations and not just in specific ones covered in the workshop. I learned the importance of “Don’t think, feel!”. - LifeNet Insurance Company Participant, Tokyo Japan 2018
There were many things I learned, but the most important was that I was able to think about the roots of communication. I reflect on daily communication and attend seminars related to the topic, but it was the first time I thought about it at such depth. - LifeNet Insurance Company Participant, Tokyo Japan 2018