Leadership courses to help teams become psychologically and creatively stronger through movement.

Moving Minds for Organizations is a movement-based, skill-building workshop for teams and team leaders. The creators of Moving Minds are sisters Kate and Beth Jewett. Kate Jewett is a lead modern dancer. Dr. Beth Jewett is a psychologist with expertise in decision-making. Moving Minds develops decision-making and problem-solving abilities through movement. Moving Minds uses movement games and choreographic challenges to develop these skills. Each game explores a concept. Each choreographic challenge applies a new skill or skills.

Moving Minds is a fun and rejuvenating experience for teams. It is also, an intellectually challenging one. We work with the following skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and confidence. Studies at Google and Deloitte have found these skills are as imperative to an organization's success as technical ones. Teams with opportunities to develop soft skills tend to have higher retention rates. Long term employee success is due more to soft skills than technical skills. Finally, investing in soft skill development has an enormous return on investment.


Dance can play an important role in seeking new perspectives. When we dance, we are on the same level playing field. It is a place where our rank and expertise are not as important as our ability to move together. When we are able to move together we start to see everyone beyond their position within a team or firm. Furthermore, being vulnerable together helps coworkers connect on a human level.

In Moving Minds, we explore soft skills through the unified lens of the body and mind. In Moving Minds teams improve their ability to work together. Taking time to move with each other helps us improve our ability to work together. Moving puts team members in a vulnerable place where they are learning how to understand their emotions and reactions in a new way. It prepares them to collaborate in the most challenging of situations.
