Team Building, Trainings and Retreats for Educators
Educational Leadership courses to help your students grow physically, psychologically and creatively.
Moving Minds for Education is a movement-based, skill-building, workshop for students. Designed by a psychologist and a dancer, Moving Minds is an SEL program for K-12 students. In the program, K-12 students play movement games and solve choreographic challenges. The scaffolded games help students understand how they learn with their bodies. The choreographic challenges help students apply what they learned for creative problem solving.
The skills we focus on in Moving Minds overlap in many areas. They overlap in the mind and the body; emotion and logic; education and business; science and art. These skills are: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and confidence. These skills apply to an infinite number of contexts. You cannot learn them through a how-to format. These skills require exploration from many perspectives. To be highly skilled in these areas, a person needs a variety of contexts that challenge them. They need to be able to move and learn at the same time.
Moving Minds was not designed to teach dance. It teaches people how to think with their bodies the way a dancer thinks with their body. Dancing together develops students social and emotional skills. With dance, expression is not confined to words. Through dance, we can explore concepts before we try to explain them. This helps students learn about they work with others and make decisions. They also learn about how they react when in vulnerable and challenging situations. In doing so, they ready themselves for whatever challenges or opportunities may appear.
“I learned confidence.” -Asuka, 9th grade participant, Tokyo Japan
“I learned a lot of things to live. I enjoyed thinking, creating and communicating with the girls. I realized dance is the way to help myself progress.” -Karin, University Student, Tokyo, Japan
“I learned English, dance and many other things. I want to improve my English and dance skills more. I will never forget this workshop experience.” - Momo, 7th grade participant, Tokyo, Japan
“Thank you for the 5 days. I changed my mind. Before dance was solo, solo, solo. Now, dance is everything together.” -Mizuho, 8th grade participant, Oki Island, Japan